What We Do

Programs & Events

The Williamstown Historical Museum presents regular programs on the history of our area. Follow the links to learn more about our recent programs:

The Chadwells of Williamstonwn – An Online Lecture – Saturday, November 14, 11 a.m.

Here is the current exhibit:

Woman Suffrage – A Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Ratification of the 19th Amendment in Williamstown and Beyond



Year round we are available for research into more information on your family or community.  The materials in our collection document the diverse people and buildings, the associations and businesses, and the institutions and events which form Williamstown’s rich history from the earliest days to the present time.  We work to increase the public’s knowledge of Williamstown’s past by using our materials to mount exhibitions, present educational programs, facilitate research and enhance community events.

Resources for Teachers

Genealogical Research

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