About the Museum

The Botsford House, our original home.
The Botsford House, our original home,
currently a private residence.

The Williamstown Historical Museum was founded in 1941, as the Williamstown House of Local History, to preserve and to promote knowledge of the town’s history. Our goal is to document the diverse people and buildings, the associations and businesses, the institutions and events, which form the town’s history from the earliest days to the present time.

Our collection includes photographs, documents, and artifacts from the 1700s to the present day, as well as published works related to the town’s history.  We have a permanent display set up, and rotating exhibits which use many items in the collection to help educate our community on many aspects of the town’s history.

Mission and Supporting Statements

The mission of the Williamstown Historical Museum is to promote interest in the history of the Williamstown area by collecting, cataloging, and preserving items of historical significance, and to increase the public’s knowledge of Williamstown’s past through educational exhibits, programs, events, research, publications, and any other functions that further this purpose. The Williamstown Historical Museum is committed to collecting and sharing the stories of all of the residents of this area across the centuries.

The WHM Collection

The museum’s collection consists of items dating from pre-history in the region through the present day, and the collection is always growing. The museum encourages all residents and museum members to share their stories, make suggestions about areas of research and program presentation, and participate in the museum’s activities so a broader understanding of the history of Williamstown can be gained and shared. The museum needs your help to ensure that everyone is represented. Please contribute to the diversity of the collection by sharing your story, your thoughts, and artifacts related to the town’s history. Thank you for your investment in your town.

Land Acknowledgement

Wording from the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Community

“It is with gratitude and humility that we acknowledge that we are learning, speaking, and gathering on the ancestral homelands of the Mohican people, who are the indigenous peoples of this land. Despite tremendous hardship in being forced from here, today their community resides in Wisconsin and is known as the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. We pay honor and respect to their ancestors past and present as we commit to building a more inclusive and equitable space for all.”


The Williamstown Historical Museum Provides

  • Cataloging and archival preservation of items historically significant to Williamstown, MA
  • Exhibitions
  • Public programs on historical topics
  • Programs for school classes
  • Assistance to researchers
  • Resources for genealogists
  • Consultation to teachers, town groups, and other historical societies

Contact Us

We are located in the historic South Center School building at

32 New Ashford Road, Williamstown, MA 01267

Telephone: 413 458-2160

P.O. Box 422, Williamstown, MA 01267


Email:  michael@williamstownhistoricalmuseum.org

Current Hours :

Thursday – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Friday  –  10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Saturday – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

(Appointments can be scheduled at other hours if necessary. Please call us.)


Michael Nixon: michael@williamstownhistoricalmuseum.org

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