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Online Lecture: “Writing Local History,” presented by Dustin Griffin

You are invited to an online webinar
“Writing Local History” by Dustin Griffin
Saturday, June 19, 11 a.m.

In this informal webinar, Griffin will share his processes and sources. The webinar will cover choosing a topic, gathering evidence, and organizing that evidence into a story. Using slides, Griffin will demonstrate some of the many printed sources and primary materials that are available to any researcher, many of them in the collection of the Williamstown Historical Museum.

“It’s my hope that this talk may inspire some in the audience to do their own research and writing, making use of the rich materials available,” Griffin said.

Dustin Griffin is the author of Williamstown and Williams College: Explorations in Local History (2018). For a number of years he has presented talks on local history to Williamstown audiences, most recently a lecture on “The Chadwells of Williamstown” in November 2020 and “The History of Oblong Road” in April 2021. His new book, Williamstown and Williams College: Further Explorations in Local History, was published this month, and is available at the Williams College bookstore on Spring Street and at the Williamstown Historical Museum.


Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or One tap mobile :
+13126266799,,95362864691#  or +19292056099,,95362864691#

Or Telephone:
US: +1 312 626 6799  or +1 929 205 6099  or +1 301 715 8592  or +1 346 248 7799  or +1 669 900 6833  or +1 253 215 8782

Webinar ID: 953 6286 4691

International numbers available:


Featured slider Talks

Online lecture – Saturday, May 29, 11 a.m. “The Williamstown Meetinghouse from Yesterday to Today,” presented by Pat Leach

Online lecture

The Williamstown Meetinghouse from Yesterday to Today
Presented by Pat Leach
Saturday, May 29, 11 a.m.

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or One tap mobile :  +13017158592,,93596468310#
Or Telephone:  1 (301) 715-8592
Webinar ID: 935 9646 8310

The second meetinghouse, 19th century, located in what is now Williamstown’s Field Park

You are invited to join the Williamstown Historical Museum on Saturday, May 29, at 11 a.m. via Zoom webinar for a lecture on the several Williamstown meetinghouses, presented by Pat Leach.  In this webinar, viewers will learn more about the history and architecture of the Williamstown meetinghouse from its original one room structure in what is now Field Park to its white clad building (the First Congregational Church) on Main Street.  Viewers will learn about how the meetinghouse has served as a gathering place for important town and college activities since the 1700s and about the  building’s dramatic architectural changes.  This lecture about a striking and significant Williamstown building is not to be missed.  Please join us!

Sketch of Williamstown’s first meetinghouse
The meetinghouse in its current location on Main Street, brick clad with two steeples
Current white clad meetinghouse (First Congregational Church)
Featured slider Talks

The History of Oblong Road

The Williamstown Historical Museum invites you to attend an online lecture
“The History of Oblong Road”
presented by Dustin Griffin

via Zoom webinar
Saturday, April 17, 11 a.m.

Oblong Road was one of the earliest parts of Williamstown to be settled. For all of the 19th century the neighborhood was almost completely devoted to farming, and was dominated by three large farming families, the Youngs, the Torreys, and the Phelpses. Two of them continue into the 21st century. A number of the oldest farmhouses survive, but much has changed over time – there used to be three one-room schools along Oblong Rd. Although it remains a quiet unpaved country lane, Oblong Road remains subject to modernizing change.

Please join us for Dusty Griffin’s illustrated lecture detailing the history of Oblong Road and its evolution on Saturday, April 17, at 11 a.m. via Zoom webinar.  Login information can be found below and on the Williamstown Historical Museum website.

Dusty Griffin is the author of Williamstown and Williams College: Explorations in Local History (2018). For a number of years he has presented talks on local history to Williamstown audiences, most recently a lecture on “Thirteen Galusha Farms” in February 2020 and “The Chadwells of Williamstown” in November 2020. His new book, Williamstown and Williams College: Further Explorations in Local History, was published this month, and is available at the college bookstore on Spring St.

The History of Oblong Road – Zoom Webinar Login information:

Or One tap mobile : +19292056099,,94260437419#

Or Telephone:  (929) 205-6099
Webinar ID: 942 6043 7419