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Pat Leach ~ 1765 Saturday, April 18th, 11:00 am, Milne Library


Pat Leach ~ 1765

Saturday, April 18th, 11:00 am, Milne Library

1765 is the year the settlement of West Hoosac became Williamstown!  In 2015, we celebrate the 250th anniversary of Williamstown’s incorporation. Although, in 1765 our town had yet to produce any major writers, painters, musicians, ballet dancers, or soccer stars, there is still a lot of history to talk about!  

Williamstown residents of 1765 may not have left us a literary or artistic legacy, but they did leaves us a valuable and informative Proprietors Book, which miraculously did not burn in the Meeting House Fire of 1866.  The Proprietor’s Book will be our point of departure for an illustrated fly-over of the year 1765 in Williamstown, Berkshire County, the Massachusetts Bay Colony, as well as Boston, London, and Paris.